- Perth to Paynes Find Map.
Rather than bash up the bitumen to Paynes Find I decided that a road trip through Goomalling, Dowerin, Wyalkatchem, Koorda and Mollerin would be more picturesque.
From Mollerin I turned east to Cleary and then headed north along Lake Moore on the Maroubra Road through Maroubra Station and Maranalgo Station.
- Maroubra station south boundary.
- Maranalgo Station south boundary.
The northerly headwinds were strong enough to adversely affect fuel economy and on the drive east between Mollerin and Cleary I was pushed to the wrong side of the road while taking a bend. Scary stuff.
- On the Maroubra Road.
Joe, Eugene and Corey were already at our campsite a few kilometres along the Sandstone Road and the others filtered in during the evening.
- Joe’s camp
- Eugene and Joe fixed the community light.
- Kim’s camp.
- Kirk’s ill-fated drone.
Joe was to give a damper making demonstration later in the evening and he needed a good bed of coals.
- Quicker than rubbing two sticks together.
- We needed a good bed of coals for the damper making competition.
After Joe’s demo there was to be a ‘cook off’ each night we were able to have a fire. More images and details of the damper competition here.
- Joe demonstrating damper making.
- Sunset just outside Paynes Find.
- First night around the campfire.