Lake Douglas to Moorine Rock

To Gnarlbine Rock

After we left Lake Douglas, a huge campsite just west of Kalgoorlie, we pulled into Ampol Coolgardie to refuel and were presented with a dire situation. The coffee machine was out of order. The Road Trip continued regardless.

The Pioneer Cemetery at Coolgardie is always worth a visit. It was used for only two years before the Coolgardie Cemetery was opened. There is often confusion between the two.

We visited a pioneer well at Gnarlbine Rock East, probably of 1890s vintage, and then drove back 200 metres to Hunt’s Well, close to the eastern edge of the rock.

We were now on Hunt Track and we followed it to Gnarlbine Rock West. It was only in October 2021 that this section of Hunt Track was properly delineated and connected with the Track further west.

On that same Trip in 2021 when we found the historic track between Gnarlbine East and Gnarlbine West we also located a pioneer well in extremely thick vegetation to the north-west of the rock. It had been lost for at least 50 years, perhaps quite a bit longer. The flagging tape we had left on our previous visit made it easier to find this time – but still very difficult to get to. Dense thickets and scratchy dead wood made the task all the more difficult.

Hunt Track

On the way to Prince of Wales turnoff someone has indicated the location where a woodline crosses Hunt Track by creating a ‘File Tree’. Scotty Wilson located this woodline in 2019 by clever interpretation of Google Earth mapping. There are still numerous artefacts (discarded tobacco tins, dog spikes and other rubbish) in the vicinity.

After lunch at the abandoned Prince of Wales Mine we continued west on Hunt Track towards Yerdanie Rock. The Track from this point to the boundary of the Goldfields Woodlands National Park is very serpentine – as a result of the way it was made.

Yerdanie Rock

We stopped at Yerdanie to climb the rock and, later, inspect Hunt’s Well that was rediscovered in 2020 after being ‘lost’ for more than 100 years.


Hermit’s Hut

The westward push continued to Boorabbin and James led the convoy to the Hermit’s Hut. Sadly but predictably it had been the victim of arson. Once the track from Great Eastern Highway that passed by the Hut was straightened and otherwise improved the structure became visible to anyone passing. It was previously screened from passing traffic (virtually none) and its location was known only to the cognoscenti. A small piece of bush history destroyed. Sad.


Most participants in the Trip had visited Karalee numerous times. It was therefore just a quick visit to see the Bicentennial Plaque that we relocated to its correct home at Karalee in 2021.


The day was disappearing fast and we pushed on towards Kodjerning Well, one of Hunt’s Wells that Cockburn 4WD Club and Mitsubishi 4WD Club had refurbished in 2021.

Moorine Rock Camp

Moorine Rock is a great camp spot – plenty of open areas in which to camp, no passing traffic, secluded, and lots of firewood. The wildflowers were a bonus.

The last night of an extended trip (this Lake Douglas to Moorine Rock run was the fourth stanza of a 11 day Trip) has the propensity to be tinged with melancholy. But the campfire ‘competitions’ removed that possibility and Micaela’s Damper Demonstration and Presentation topped off a memorable night.

Finish of the Road Trip

The Road Trip finished at Moorine Rock and people made their own way home from there.


© Kim Epton 2022-2024
820 words, 19 photographs, one image.
Micaela Anderson
Kim Epton
James Hay

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