The Hunt Range is about 420 kilometres north-east of Perth in the Mount Manning Nature Reserve, an important part of the Great Western Woodlands.
From the perspective of our Road Trip the Hunt Range Track starts at Ullaring and trends south-west to its end at Bungalbin in the Helena and Aurora Range. An alternative start point for the Hunt Range Track is off the Evanston Malcolm Road at -29.85351, 120.32133. These two tracks come together at Maninga Soak, from which point it is clearly Hunt Range Track.
Our route north of Coolgardie to Ullaring took us to Kunanalling, a gold mining ghost town that drew its last breath in 1942.
Gold was discovered here by Speakman, Erickson and Ryan in 1892 and by 1898 the town was booming. It boasted a telegraph station, police station, court house, government school, post office, mechanics institute, blacksmith, butcher, bakery, grocer and three hotels. Its population peaked at 488 in 1899 and gradually fell away to 105 residents in 1911, then 88 in 1933. before being abandoned during the war years.
- Aaron’s Patrol, Greg and Margot’s Colorado and Kim’s Rodeo outside Kunanalling ruins.
As was often the case with towns that sprang up as the result of a gold find the first name applied was in reference to the distance from Coolgardie or Kalgoorlie, hence Kunanalling was for many years known as the ’25 Mile’. Research by the Eastern Goldfields Historical Society into the aboriginal name Kunanalling that was eventually used for the town indicates that it means ‘emu droppings’. Probably dressed up a bit.
- Ruins of the hotel at Kunanalling.
- Once the roof goes the demise of the structure is inevitable.
After taking photographs we continued our trek north-west.
Rowles Lagoon
40 kilometres north of Kunanalling is the remarkable Rowles Lagoon, a true oasis in a desert. Rowles Lagoon is the only freshwater nature conservation wetland in the Goldfields. Nearby Clear Lake, Muddy Lake and Carnage Lake, along with Rowles Lagoon, are part of a wetland system. These bodies of water can change dramatically over the seasons and over the years. In times of drought they dry out but can flood in years of heavy rains.
- Rowles Lagoon.
Typical of so many DPaW campgrounds, posts restrict where one can camp – often the location with the best views – and, of course, the area is picked clean of firewood. These ‘attractions’ are best visited without the overnight stop. Instead, find a pristine bush camp elsewhere with plenty of firewood, a good aspect and convivial company and reserve the ‘attractions’ for a visit during the day.
- Facilities at Rowles Lagoon.
I finally ticked off Rowles Lagoon from the list of places to visit.
Gus Luck Track
On the way to Ularring we passed the popular end (or start) of the Gus Luck Track. This Track extends from Weowanie through Darrine, Walangie Soak, 71 Mile Rock, Undandanging Gnamma, Turtturdine Rock, and Coonmine Well to Coolgardie North Road. Luck started his track further north-east at the gold mining centre of Goongarie in 1894, however, following it from/to this point is more difficult than the popular portion of the Track. Similarly, the portion of the Track from Southern Cross to Weowanie is impossible to follow because of modern day constructions and barriers.
[See also Gus Luck Track and Gus Luck Track Reprise.]
- Where most people end a Gus Luck Track Track trip. The real end of the Track is at Goongarrie.
Gus Luck was a consummate bushman of French origin who taught and mentored one of Australia’s greatest (though controversial) explorers, David Carnegie in the 1890s.
There is mineral exploration activity at Ularring but very little else.
This dot on the map is the site of an infamous attack by local aborigines on Ernest Giles’ exploration party in 1875. It has been suggested that the attack came about as a result of the unexpected and alarming amount of water that Giles’ camels were consuming from the soak. Whatever the reason, it was a determined, concerted, and organised attack on an interloping party that was ultimately determined by superior technology. Giles was usually a very flowery writer, however, his description of the attack was very matter of fact.
The track from Ularring leads to Bungalbin via a number of rockholes. Planned speed was an average 25 kph, however, we were able to maintain a speed above 40 kph.
- Bush in flower along the Track.
21 kilometres along the track we passed a track connecting with the Evanston Menzies Road to the north. Nine kilometres further on is Yowie Rock, where another track comes in from the Evanston Menzies Road.
- Good views from Yowie Rock.
Six kilometres further on we hit a very rocky section of track.
Curara Rockhole and Well
There are numerous gnammas at Curara, 43 kilometres west-south-west from Ularring.
An Army Field Party located this rockhole and named it Cararah Rockhole in September 1963. It was also spelled as Karara Rockhole. Later investigation showed that the officially accepted spelling of the native tree after which it was named is ‘Curara’ and it was amended (along with about 13 other features incorrectly named Karara across Western Australia). Curara is an acacia tree valued as fodder for stock.
- Curara Well
The well at Curara Rockhole is in good condition. The placement of logs to protect and mark the well is distinctive.
- Curara Well
- Distinctive arrangement of logs at Curara.
We camped 15 kilometres past Curara Rockhole on the edge of McArthur Minerals’ active mining tenement, just as the sun was setting.
- Our camp near Curara Rockhole.
Kurrajong Rockhole
Our drive south-west brought us to Kurrajong Rockhole.
Surveyor A. Henderson led a Field Party in this area in 1966 and named this rockhole during that trip, presumably after the Desert Kurrajong (Brachychiton gregorii ) prevalent in the area.
- Kurrajong Rockhole
- Once the word is pecked into the rock amendment is difficult.
- Vandalism or a petroglyph? Dimer was a government dogger and a well known bush character of the era
- B. Dimer etched his name into the rock in 1960.
- Kurrajong Rockhole
- Stray water at Kurrajong Rockhole.
- A track to the north from Kurrajong.
- Bungalbin 23 miles. The direction the sign is pointing could have referred to either of two tracks.
Getting away from Kurrajong proved difficult because of the numerous tracks that lead away from the rock. After a couple of false starts we found the correct track and again headed towards Bungalbin.
Pittosporum Rockhole
The Rockhole is closely surrounded by Pittosporum, a small tree with weeping habit and yellow flowers, hence the name. Ken Newbey requested the name for the rockhole in 1964. More information.
After a chat with some fellow travellers (opposite direction) we drove on.
- Four kilometres south-west of Pittosporum Rockhole.
Despite not making the planned overnight camp at Kurrajong Rockhole last night we were ahead of our schedule to rendezvous with Paul and Greg at the end of a track off Evanston Road later today. The track from Ularring was better and ‘faster’ than planned.
We arrived at Bungalbin around 10.00 a.m.
The Mount Manning – Helena and Aurora Ranges Conservation Park is in the Great Western Woodland. Parts of the Conservation Park are under threat from mining and the area has been the subject of controversy for many years. Bungalbin is central to this.
The climb up Bungalbin on the Ridge Track is easy in dry weather but could require low range if wet. While a competent driver could get a camper trailer to the small cleared area at the top it is not worth the risk, given there are suitable areas to unhitch below. The track to the south is not suitable for camper trailers.
- View from the top of Bungalbin.
- Looking east.
From Bungalbin the track leads north-west to Mount Jackson.
I located a track that I hoped would take us to Jimbine Rockhole, a rarely visited natural water collection point. The track was barely discernible for about 100 metres and then petered out. I drove cross country, uphill for about 250 metres without being able to locate the track. I radioed that we needed to return to the main track and just as I turned to rejoin the main group I noticed the bare outline of a track heading north.
We followed this until it took us to a watercourse that we followed for a distance. I then picked up a track that I knew would take us close to Jimbine Rockhole. The track improved as we went on.
- From barely-able-to-be-seen wheelmarks to an easy-to-follow track.
Jimbine Rockhole is a small, natural dam in a gully. In 1864 settler explorers Clarkson, Harper and Lukin found this native water supply during an exploring expedition north-east of Toodyay.
- Jimbine Rockhole
- The rockhole has filled in over time.
- The rock ‘dam’ is natural.
We returned on our inward track and, with a short deviation, came out onto the Bulgalbin-Mt Jackson track.
There is a certain incongruity in coming out of a twisting, turning, narrow bush track onto a wide, sealed, modern haul road. Crossing it and then going back into the twisting, turning, small bush track makes you wonder if what you saw was real.
- Mineral Resources’ haul road.
The track turns to the south-west at Marda and leads to a station dam and cattle yards.
- Cattle yards at Marda.
- Marda Dam
Arriving at the Bullfinch-Evanston Road we turned left, travelled 14 kilometres south-west and again turned left – this time onto a rarely used bush track. We had planned to meet with Paul late afternoon, seven kilometres in along this track.
During the afternoon we continued along the barely discernible track past where were intended to camp to determine if the track went to Yinyoungning Rockhole. On return to the campsite we had some unusual vehicle damage.
- This stake speared into the mirror frame.
- The bracket that holds the awning to the roof rack broke
Paul arrived around 4.00 p.m. without Greg who had other engagements.
- Greg at our ‘rendezvous camp’.
This part of the trip was designed as a ‘recce’ for an upcoming Gold Prospecting Trip. Kim and Greg and Margot ‘rediscovered’ Yinyoungning Rockhole and then joined the other group who had spent the morning with detectors having a good walk around the bush looking for prospective ground.
In the afternoon we moved to another patch of prospective ground 11 kilometres to the west for another good walk around the bush while diligently sweeping the ground for the elusive yellow metal.
- Kim’s Rodeo and Paul’s Navara at our ‘Fault Line Camp’ 11 kilometres south of Mt Jackson.
- Greg setting up at our ‘Fault Line Camp.
Mount Jackson Station
On Sunday morning before departing for Perth we had a look around at the derelict Mount Jackson Station Homestead.
- The Mount Jackson letterbox.
- The homestead is in ruins.
- Cemetery at Mount Jackson Station.
The journey home took us to Elachbutting Rock, Mukinbudin, Dowerin and Goomalling.
© Kim Epton 2021-2024
1829 words, 39 photographs, one image.
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