- Pergola on wheels.
- There’s no street lighting. Imagine hitting this.
- Which way does it open?
- Had an order for ladders.
- Difficult to criticise inventive recycling.
- At least it’s registered.
- Time available to indicate a hole in the floor but no time to fix it.
- Apparently Maritime Museums are a hotbed of violence. Probably the pirates.
- More than 50 bags of cement.
- Not as bad as it looks. Lightweight rice steaming wicker baskets.
- In Phuket.
- Scaffolding on the walkway of the Mekong Skywalk.
- Men at one end, women at at the other. (exception is my wife next to me)
- Shopping centre, Bangkok.
- Unfortunate but indicative.
- Just a sampling of the menu.
- Saves doing two runs.
- There are many gaudy trucks in Thailand but this one stood out because of the over wide flaps.
- Rice hay on ute.
- Four parking spaces.
- Good view up here.
- Publicly accessible.
- When you have to transport an elephant.
- Shoes!
- 500mm+ drop off the btumen.
© Kim Epton 2025
195 words, 26 photographs.
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