Loei to Khon Kaen

The route from Loei to Khon Kaen is very rural – rice, corn, pineapple and sugar cane and more.

It is interesting to see cut sugar cane being transported by a prime mover and tri-axle semi trailer rather than the ubiquitous 3 axle rigid truck with a 2 axle pig trailer. Somebody is seeing cost savings. Perhaps a sign of what’s to come.

Our route took us to the top end of Ubol Ratana Dam. The scenic drive south along the bank of the dam is a pleasant way to return to Khon Kaen.

*cold, cutting wind. Too lazy to go around you, it goes straight through you.


The day’s journey was 238 kilometres through three Provinces (Loei, Non Bua Lam Phu, Khon Kaen).

Distance of the full 10 day Road Trip (GPS) – 2915 kilometres (vehicle odometer reading 2967 km – odometer over-reading by 1.75%).
Fifteen Provinces (Khon Kaen, Chaiyapum, Petchabun, Phitsanoluk, Uttaradit, Sukhothai, Tak, Mae Hong Son, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Phayao, Nan, Phrae, Loei and Nong Bua Lam Phu).


Go back to Na Noi to Loei.

Go to North Thailand Overview.


© Kim Epton 2024
253 words, four photographs.

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