Border Corners of Australia

Most commentators/articles on the ‘border corners of Australia’ name only five and, depending on how deeply they approach the subject, may casually mention that there are actually two border corners at Surveyor Generals Corner (WA-SA-NT) and, oh, by the way, the South Australia border with Victoria and NSW (on the Murray River) is a bit of a mess because there are two border points there, too.

So, what’s going on?

While Geoscience Australia’s statement that “South Australia shares a border with all the mainland states as well as the Northern Territory”* is correct (with the inference that these five points is the end of the story) it does not mention the name of the border point 127 metres west of the SA/WA/NT border point (Surveyor Generals Corner) . This one is where only WA and NT meet. SGC West?

Similarly, Geoscience Australia states that “The New South Wales border is set at 141° east, leaving a section of boundary between Victoria and South Australia that is undefined along the River Murray, measuring 3.6 kilometres from east to west”.* Undefined? Its just a kink in the border with the ‘kink’ following the Murray River for those 3.6 kilometres to the SA/VIC border point. Perhaps Customs House Corner is sufficiently descriptive?

Interestingly, from MacCabe Corner to the unnamed border point near the Customs House, the border runs along the centre of the Murray River. However, upriver from that point the NSW border extends to the Victorian bank of the Murray River.

SA-WA-NT Surveyor Generals Corner 25° 59′ 54.96″ S
129° 0′ 0″E
WA-NT Surveyor Generals Corner West 25° 59′ 54.96″ S
129° 0′ 1.91″ E
SA-NT-QLD Poeppel Corner 26° S 138° E
SA-QLD Haddon Corner 26° S 141° E
SA-Qld-NSW Cameron Corner 29° S 141° E
SA-NSW-VIC MacCabe Corner 34° S 141° E
SA-VIC Customs House Corner  33° 58′ 49.5″ S
141° 0′ 10.7″ E


Download GPX File of the Border Corners.



  • border-lengths#heading-5


© Kim Epton 2024
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