After completing the 170 kilometre Googs Track from south to north we turned east on the Trans Australia Railway access track.
Twenty minutes along the railway access track I saw headlights. Not moving.
A double road train with 47 tonne of railway ballast – to take out two hundred kilometres further west – was going nowhere.
- Double road train with 47 tonne of ballast.
After photographs and a bit of discussion Dan and Steve said they would have a go at snatching the truck out backwards.
- Bogged.
- Double road train going nowhere.
Snatch straps out, handheld radios out, cameras and videos ready, start your engines and engage gears. Out it popped! No-one was more surprised than the truck driver.
- Preparing to snatch.
- Hooked up to snatch the road train out backwards.
Dan and Steve will be ‘dining out’ on that exploit for years.
© Kim Epton 2016-2024
175 words, 5 photographs.
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