Gold Mines, Salt Lakes and Rockholes

Great Beyond Visitor Centre at Laverton

For any visitor to Laverton the Great Beyond Visitor Centre is a must. Coffee, information, education – an hour well spent.

It was time for Scotty to again be Trip Manager – it is his country.

We headed south out of Laverton and boldly drove around the sunrise Dam Mine along a mine road that locals use for transit through the mine. No one stopped us so we continued with the journey south.

Lake Carey

Our route took us over the southern end of Lake Carey.

This a heavily mined and prospected area. Evidence of years of mining is everywhere.

Bindah Breakaway

The spectacularly eroded geological feature at Bindah Breakaways is facetiously called Linden Bridge.

It was then onto Tin Dog Mine where we stopped for lunch. Scotty and son Jake gave us an extensive tour of their Tin Dog Mine and showed us their small-scale, gold-getting process.

Tin Dog Mine

We left Tin Dog and drove to a disused open cut pit where Scotty imparted further interesting commentary on the geology, at a level the layman could understand.

With lots left to see and do we had to leave the mine and continue the Road Trip.


After visiting the Edjudina Cemetery we camped on the lee side of a hill to the west. It was still windy but it would have been considerably worse on the other side of the hill.

Yarri Station and Mine

Rob and Tracey volunteered to be Trip Managers for today.

There is a lot of mining and drilling activity at and around the Yarri Station Homestead. We tried to announce our presence but no one was interested so we drove on through. And later repeated the action as we found our route to Monaghan Well.

Monaghan Well

Tracey called a stop at Monaghan Well after tackling a slow, overgrown track for many kilometres. It was her first time driving such an arduous track and, while a great experience for her, it will pale into insignificance after she drives more of our Road Trips.

The track opened out and after negotiating several road realignments resulting from the construction of the Tropicana Highway we were able to find our way to Kirgella Rockhole for lunch.

Kirgella Rockhole

Old Pinjin

Old Pinjin has been in a ruined state for forty or more years.

The water tank among the ruins is actually a repurposed ship’s container. These are seen throughout the bush, generally being used as a water tank.

Time was ticking away and we needed to head towards Kalgoorlie quicker and more directly.


Scotty gave us tour of Kanowna. There’s not much left today but it was a roaring town in its heyday.

Lake Douglas

There was little left of the day as the convoy made its way to Kalgoorlie to refuel, resupply and have showers. People made their way individually to the overnight stop at Lake Douglas, a huge free camp area few kilometres west of Kalgoorlie. Wood was difficult to find but we managed to have a decent fire.

Jake Wilson’s personal tour of the small scale mining operation at Tin Dog Mine was much appreciated. Thanks Jake. Hope you find more gold.

The input from Scotty Wilson on the history and geology of the country we covered added greatly to the experience. Scotty readily agreed to delay the marking out of his mining lease so we could all be part of the process. With his son, Jake, he enabled the group to come onto a working mine, visit an open cut pit, and experience small scale mining up close. His knowledge on the broad history of the Goldfields is unsurpassed and his readiness to share that information was much appreciated.

The journey back to Perth was along Hunt Track to an overnight camp at Moorine Rock from where people made their own way home.


© 2022-2024 Kim Epton
1004 words, 47 photographs, one image.
Micaela Anderson
Kim Epton
James Hay
Maria Wilson

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