In April 2017 Mike and I did the Fawcett Track with Jeff and Micaela. Quite benign at that time of the year but it could easily present some challenges after a bit of rain.
- Mike’s GU Wagon.
- Kim’s Rodeo
- Our campsite in the jarrah forrest.
- Damper cooking.
The 105 km Captain Fawcett Track showcases some of Western Australia’s best Jarrah forests. Along the way there are historical farm houses, original settler trestle bridges, minor creek crossings and magnificent views.
- Start of the Fawcett Track.
The track commemorates one of the district’s pioneers, Captain Theo Fawcett from Pinjarra. Local aborigines told him of good country over the Darling Scarp. Around 1860 Fawcett and William Pollard followed the Murray River to its junction with the Williams and Hotham rivers. They then followed the Hotham north to its confluence with Marradong Creek. Fawcett followed the creek to a freshwater spring. Here he selected 5000 acres and leased another 6000.
- Enough signage for any bureaucrat.
- The start of the track is easy.
- Pleasant drive through the forest.
- Starting to get interesting.
- Murray River
Using his bushcraft and navigational skills, Fawcett returned to Pinjarra in a direct line, blazing trees along the way so his workmen and shepherds could find their way to his new property he named ‘Mokine’.
- Could present a challenge in wet conditions.
- Easy in the dry.
That blazed track is the same route as the present day road from Marradong to Dwellingup. On early maps the current day Pinjarra-Williams Road was named as the Fawcett Road.
- Camping spot on the banks of the Murray River.
- Another challenge.
- Jeff’s turn.
- Unusual for the Murray to have so much flow at this time of year.
The Fawcett Track is a worthwhile day trip.
© Kim Epton 2017-2024
324 words, 16 photographs.
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