The Nuytsland Nature Reserve takes in more than 500 kilometres of coastline from Cape Pasley, west of Israelite Bay, to Red Rocks Point, south of Mundrabilla.
The Nuytsland Nature Reserve was named after the Dutch explorer, diplomat and politician Pieter Nuyts.
- Eight kilometres from Toolinna Cove
In 1627 Captain François Thijssen of ‘t Gulden Zeepaert (The Golden Seahorse) deviated from the standard route to the VOC’s (Dutch East India Company) Batavia headquarters (known today as Jakarta, capital of Indonesia), continued east and mapped around 1500 kilometres of the southern coast of what was then termed Terra Australis Incognita (named New Holland in 1644 by Abel Tasman and Australia by Matthew Flinders in 1803).
Thijssen named the region from Albany, Western Australia to Ceduna, South Australia as ′t Landt van Pieter Nuyts (Pieter Nuyts’ Land) after the highest ranking VOC official aboard his ship.
VOC = Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie. The British term for the Dutch East India Company.
© Kim Epton 2019-2024
190 words, one photograph.
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