Charles Cooke Hunt – Biography/Explorations/Track/Wells


An immigrant and settler, C.C. Hunt contributed immensely to the Colony of Western Australia as an explorer and surveyor at a time when the interior, and even the near interior (now the Wheatbelt) was totally unknown.

He died at age 35 years, leaving a wife and two children.

C.C. Hunt – Explorer and Surveyor

Charles Cooke Hunt
Australian Dictionary of Biography – 2006

Charles Cooke Hunt
Eric Hancock

C.C. Hunt – Explorer and Surveyor
Explorers’ Wells and Tracks

Charles Cooke Hunt
WA Now and Then

Walk of Fame
City of Kalgoorlie Boulder


Hunt was involved with an expedition of exploration in the north-west of Western Australia in 1863 after which he led four explorations eastward of York between 1864 and 1866.

Exploration Eastwards 1860-1869
Peter Bridge and Kim Epton
A 576 page Volume in the Western Australian Exploration series that includes transcripts of Hunt’s four expeditions to the east.

C.C. Hunt’s Koolyanobbing Expedition
Kim Epton
A translation of Hunt’s York to Koolyanobbing expedition to modern maps, including modern-day rendering of place names and features.

C.C. Hunt – Explorer and Surveyor

Hunt Track

In accordance with Guidelines for the Consistent Use of Place Names the genitive/possessive apostrophe is disregarded. Hunt Track not Hunt’s Track. Hunt Track is the oldest, still existing track in Western Australia. It is the second longest Track in Western Australia, after the Canning Stock Route.

Hunt Track
Explorers’ Wells and Tracks

Hunt Track

Hunt Track – Gnarlbine to Yerdanie
Hunt Track between Gnarlbine and Yerdanie, including woodlines and the File Tree – 2018.

Hunt Track from Yerdanie to Gnarlbine 2018
Explorers’ Wells and Tracks

On the Track
WA Museum
Western Australia’s goldfields, gold rushes and people who lived through it.

Spinifex Range
Hunt Track beyond the accepted end of the Track.

The Planned Completion of Hunt Track from Yerdanie to Gnarlbine
Explorers’ Wells and Tracks
Completion of the track refurbishment between Gnarlbine and Yerdanie.

Trains Planes and 4WDs
Woolgangie to Gnarlbine, then Nepean to Goldfields HIghway.

West of the Nullarbor
Hunt Track from Gnarline to Woolgangie.

Yerdanie to Gnarlbine 2020
Explorers’ Wells and Tracks

Hunt Track Videos

Charles Hunts Track and Wells 1
Doug Hardman
Retired professional does a professional presentation.

Charles Hunts Track and Wells 2
Doug Hardman
Excellent Presentation.

Charles Hunts Track and Wells 3
Doug Hardman
Quality contribution to Hunt’s legacy.

Charles Cooke Hunt’s Track and some of his wells. Part 1
While there is no new information in this video it is an honest presentation that follows 42 km of the 1160 km Hunt Track, the second longest track in Western Australia after the Canning Stock Route.

Hunts Track Part 2
Part 2 of above.

Hunts Track
Alan McCall (aka Outback Yonder, aka Equinox)
Unparalleled knowledge of David Wynford Carnegie’s amazing two desert trips is just the start of Alan’s extensive bush history experience. This video showcases an important part of the 1160 km Hunt Track that was re-opened in 2018-19.

Hunting Hunt Track
Geoff Lewis
This guy had no idea where he was and no idea of the explorer he was following but he made a video anyway.

Publications Referencing Hunt

Local Heritage Survey 2022
Shire of Merredin
Pages 14, 19, 26, 63-65, 70, 79-81, 88, 119-121, 127-128, 138-139.

A Thematic History of Western Australia
Heritage Council of WA
Pages 9, 11 and43

Hunt’s Wells

When referring to Hunt’s Wells the use of the possessive apostrophe is perfectly acceptable – unlike referrence to Hunt Track where the possessive apostrophe is eschewed.

Hunt created 21 wells between York and Kambalda. in 1865-66.

In 1864 Hunt explored many hundreds of kilometres further east than the chain of wells that was constructed in 1865-66.

The Wells of Explorer C.C. Hunt
Explorers Wells and Tracks
A listing of Hunt’s Wells from York to the terminus of his Well Track.

The Wells of Charles Cooke Hunt
Claire Young
An assessment of each of Hunt’s Wells, available as a downloadable PDF, that includes 1980s images of wells.

Hunt’s Wells Group
Heritage Council of WA
An assessment of 34 wells.

Hunt for Hunt’s Wells 2008
Explorers’ Wells and Tracks
A comprehensive survey of many of Hunt’s Wells in the eastern goldfields.

Hunt for Hunts Wells 2021
Explorers’ Wells and Tracks

Granite Monsters
Inspection of Totadgin, Burracoppin, Boodalin, Moorine, Kodjerning, Koorkoordine, and Weowanie rocks and wells in 2019.

A Better Way to Coolgardie
A visit to six wells before a drive along a section of Hunt Track.

Lake Douglas to Moorine Rock
Inspection of Gnarlbine, Yerdanie, Karalee, Kodjerning, and Moorine rocks and wells in 2022.

Burracoppin Well
Explorers’ Wells and Tracks

Boodalin Soak
Explorers’ Wells and Tracks

Slate Well – Well No. 24
Explorers’ Wells and Tracks

Well Refurbishments

Some of Hunt’s Wells have been refurbished.

Burracoppin Well Refurbishment
Explorers’ Wells and Tracks
This was one of the wells refurbished in 2016.

Doodlakine Well Refurbishment
Explorers’ Wells and Tracks
Doodlakine Well was refurbished in 2016.

Kodjerning Well Refurbishment
Explorers’ Wells and Tracks
This was a major refurbishment by the Cockburn 4WD Club and the Mitsubishi 4WD Owners Club of WA, carried out in 2021.

Koorarawalyee Well Refurbishment
Explorers’ Wells and Tracks
This 2016 project was the first of Hunt’s Wells to be refurbished..

Moorine Well Refurbishment
Explorers’ Wells and Tracks
This well was refurbished in 2021 – at the same as Kodjerning Well.

Totadgin Well Refurbishment
Explorers’ Wells and Tracks
Refurbished in 2016.

Bicentennial Plaque Relocation

A Better Way to Coolgardie
A visit to six wells including Karalee to where the Bicentennial plaque was moved before a drive along a section of Hunt Track.

Plaque Relocation Project
Explorers’ Wells and Track
An account of how the Bicentennia plaque was relocated.

Karolin Rock
Explorers’ Wells and Tracks.
A description of the rock and wells from where the Bicentennial plaque was retrieved.

Bicentennial Plaque Relocation
Explorers’ Wells and Tracks
An account of how the Bicentennia plaque was relocated.

Hunt for Hunt’s Well 2021
Explorers’ Wells and Tracks
En route to complete work on Hunt Track and wells there was time to check that the relocated Bicentennial Plaques were present and upright.

Wells, Pipelines and Water
A quick visit to Karalee to check the relocated plaques.


The articles listed here are those available on the World Wide Web and are not the full resource of C.C. Hunt-related material.

C.C. Hunt Bibliograhy



© Kim Epton 2025
1030 words.

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